Category BudgetingPosted on How Much Are You Really Spending? When I decided to get serious about personal finance in my early 20s, I knew it’d involve being completely honest with myself about my spend…
Category BudgetingPosted on Ditch Debt For Good With These 5 Steps Let’s talk about the D-word...DEBT. Student loans. Credit card balances. Unpaid medical bills. Car notes. No matter the type, debt can be over…
Category BudgetingPosted on [FREE GUIDE] Learn to Create a Simple Budget in Google Sheets Creating a budget that's tailored to fit your specific financial needs is an important first step toward getting on the right track with your money. But knowing where or how to start can be c…
Category BudgetingPosted on No, Budgets Aren’t Scary and Yes, You Need One Many of us hear the word budget and immediately think of a prison sentence but this couldn't be further from the truth. At its core, a budge…